Poleshuk Maksim

Academic degree
candidate of architecture (speciality - VAC 01.02.01 Теоретическая механика) (speciality - VAC 05.23.20 Теория и история архитектуры, реставрация и реконструкция историко-архитектурного наследия)
Science rang
docent, Russian Academy of Education ,
docent, ,
docent, from 1987 until now
  1. Moskovskiy arhitekturnyy institut (gosudarstvennaya akademiya) , Kafedra Arhitektury Obschestvennyh zdaniy , professor , 5 ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Formation features of coastal territories on the example of St. Petersburg" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The problem of the development of creative. complexes" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The basic principles and methods of reconstruction of a typical educational school of the 222-1-19 series." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Development of public spaces in the reconstruction of industrial areas in coastal zones" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Formation of new tourist centers in the coastal areas of the Lower and Middle Volga regions using the example of the village Undory in the Ulyanovsk region, the village Shiryaevo in the Samara region and the village Vyshka in the Astrakhan region" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Modern concepts of the development of public spaces in coastal zones (on the example of the architectural competition of the fifth stage of the embankment in Samara)" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The necessity to develop a program for organizing work with residents during reconstruction as part of the complex territory development." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Analysis of architectural and functional concepts of the V stage of the embankment in Samara" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Modernization of the school buildings fund are typical projects: strategy and approaches" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The need for the use of participation in the reconstruction of mass residential buildings of the 1950s-70s" ,
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation


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