Polyancev Evgeniy

Academic degree
candidate of art criticism
Science rang
  1. Moscow Institute of Architecture (state academy) , Rekonstrukcii i restavraciya v arhitekture , zaveduyuschiy kafedroy ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Principles of modern use of industrial heritage objects of the 18th - early 20th centuries. (on the example of the Prokhorovs' manufactory, Vyshny Volochek, Tver region)" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Post-traumatic measures to restore the historical center of Aleppo city (Syria)" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "World experience in the preservation of hydraulic structures on water systems." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The problems of the organization of residential buffer zones of monasteries illustrated by the example of Vologda region towns" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Architect Sergey Sergeevich Podyapolsky" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The problem of preservation and use of economic and industrial manor buildings of the 18th-19th centuries. Kaluga region" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Potential of the AMO-ZIS-ZIL territory. On the problem of preservation and reconstruction of automotive industry facilities of the 20th century" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Ecological Concepts and reconstruction Principles of Traditional 'Yaodong' Dwellings in the Central Region of China" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The analysis of the buffer zone regulation juristical opportunities within current legislation of the Russian Federation" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Problems of conservation and use of the country estate park in the urban environment of the second half of the XX century" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The problem of determining the protection status of territories in the design of archaeological parks on the example of the Upper Paleolithic site "Sungir" and ancient settlement "Gorodok" (Vladimir)." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The problem of conserving greenhouses in country estates of the 18th – 19th centuries in Moscow and the Moscow region" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Country estates of the 18th - early 20th centuries of the Oryol province" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Influence of buildings of the 1920s-30s on the formation of the appearance of the "Leninskaya Sloboda" neighborhood in Moscow" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Prospects for the revival of small settlements on the example of the Vladimir region." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Architectural and planning features of the manor of Saburovo Kamensky (Oryol province) of the late XVIII – XIX centuries" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Problems of preservation of rural mansions of the Tula region located in small settlements." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Aleppo. The Third city - the path of hope." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The protection and contemporary use of N. A. Lvov’s estates in Tver oblast." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "VDNH as an example of the exhibition pavilions’ modern usage" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Catalogs of recommendations as a way to preserve and adapt cultural heritage sites in small historical settlements using the example of the Kostroma region." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Dmitry Kantemir's estate (early XVIII – late XIX) as a city forming element of Dmitrovsk of Orel region" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The role of windmills in the formation of historical landscapes on the example of Ivanovka village Tambov region" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The problem of authorship of architect N. A. Lvov in the ensembles and buildings of the estates in Tver Oblast." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "The phenomenon of the formation of an industrial settlement (mid. XIX – early XX centuries) in the Russian Empire on the example of the town of Luchki in the Vladimir region." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "To the question of the origins of the formation of the architectural image of the estate of the second half of the XVIII century. Saburovo (Oryol region)" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Features of the formation of archaeological parks on the periphery of large and medium-sized cities of the European part of Russia (on the example of the Upper Paleolithic site «Sungir» and the ancient settlement «Gorodok» of Vladimir)." ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Greenhouses in estates of the 18th – early 20th centuries in Moscow region" ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Complex approach to the study case of a heritage asset by the example of the Nativity cathedral in Ferapontov monastery" ,
  • Conference "2023. Science, education and experimental design" ,
  • Conference "2024. Science, Education and Experimental Design. Theses of MARCHI" ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
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