Gridiushko Anna

Academic degree
candidate of architecture
  1. Moskovskiy arhitekturnyy institut (gosudarstvennaya akademiya) , Arhitektury promyshlennyh sooruzheniy , starshiy prepodavatel' ,
  • Conference article/thesis "Ecological principles applied to the architecture of industrial buildings",
  • Conference article/thesis "Environmental assessment criteria of the architecture of industrial buildings",
  • Conference article/thesis "The architecture of modern ground space infrastructure.",
  • Conference article/thesis "Modular architecture as a tool for developing oil and gas clusters.",
  • Conference article/thesis "Concepts of mobile cities in architecture",
  • Conference article/thesis "Overview of floating city concepts",
  • Conference article/thesis "The relevance of the use of technological parks in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation",
  • Conference article/thesis "Factors affecting the architectural appearance of ferrous metallurgy facilities",
  • Conference article/thesis "Reorganization of industrial urban areas by creating sites for airships",
  • Conference article/thesis "Features of architectural and planning solutions for cities for spaceports.",
  • Conference article/thesis "Renovation as a method of preservation of tram depots ( on the example of the Presnensky Park (city Moscow))",


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